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Bipolar Disorder - What is it and what are the symptoms?
This article summarises from a lay persons perspective what bipolar disorder actually is. The writer, Ric, is a sufferer of the disorder and was diagnosed 8 years ago. Ric is currently writing a book on his experiences which will soon be published on a new web site.
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Why Write A Non-Fiction Book?
Contrary to what you may think, publishing a non-fiction book won't make you any money. So why should you write one? Learn truths about the book industry and the purpose of non-fiction books that may surprise you. A must-read for all business owners considering writing a book.
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8 Ways To Use A Blog To Develop Content For Your Book
1. Participate in the blogosphere: Read and comment on other blogs in your field. This is a prime way to build readership of your blog. It is also a way of getting fresh content for both your blog and for your book.To check out other blogs in your niche: use www.blogsearch.google.com, www.technorati.com, or www.google.com.This is also a good way to get ideas. What are other people in your field writing about? What are the major challenges of the people in your field? ...
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How To Get A New York Publisher
When you look at the numbers, it’s clear that the New York publishing scene is a tough nut to crack. The reality is that with 83% of Americans wanting to write a book, the competition for a publisher’s attention is steep. So what’s an author to do? Well, if your attempts for finding a traditional publisher aren’t bringing any results, maybe it’s time to think like a publisher, instead of an author.Writing a book is the easy part, and while publishers look at writing...
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How To Become A Bestselling Book Author
What IS a best-selling author?You have to answer that in your own mind.Technically, it's any book that makes it into the Top 100 list at ANY online or offline bookstore.However, what does it mean to you?Is it someone who sells 300-500 books in a day through online bookstores like http://Amazon.com and makes the top 10?Is it only the person who makes it to #1?Is it the person who sells their book from their own website and makes $10,000 in a few months?...
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Young Writers
If you are between the ages of 8 to 18 and love to write, be it short stories, plays or poems, then you are a young writer. For the writer nothing is more satisfying than finishing a story, play, poem etc. In fact some young writers decide to make it their career of choice. This is not always an easy path but if you have a passion for it you will ride out the difficult times. Here are some tips to help you.1. Read widely,a good writer is one that reads constantly and wide...
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Writing Book Reports
If you are a student, writing a book report is something you will probably have to do at some time whether you want to or not.It has never been a favorite activity for most but it is always valuable. It is valuable because it allows you to think about the book you have read, in terms of the setting, characters, plot and finally examine your feelings and thoughts about what you have read. You learn how to give an analysis and develop your own point of view. Is it any wonder th...
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The Reality Of Publishing Your Book
According to a recent survey, more than eighty percent of Americans want to write a book. This shocking statistic is somewhat puzzling because the National Endowment for the Arts estimates that only fifty-seven percent of Americans have read one book in the last twelve months! What is it that makes people -- even non-readers -- want to put pen to paper? Perhaps it's the desire for fame and fortune. Maybe it's the need to earn respect from others. Or maybe it's the hop...
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The Book Writer's Guide To Self-Publishing
Self-publishing has become common practice for many writers who want accolades of having a book published, no matter who publishes it. Writers choose self-publishing for various reasons. Many writers desire the freedom and business aspects of publishing work independently. A self-published writer is one who is in control of every aspect of their published work. The publishing industry defines self-publishing as authors publishing their own books or other media, instead of wit...
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Book Development: How To Create Tantalizing Titles And Sensational Content
Years ago when Napoleon Hill's famous manuscript on building wealth was ready for publication, it had no title.His publisher called and said, "If you don't come up with a title by tomorrow morning, I'm going call it "USE YOUR NOODLE AND MAKE A BOODLE." Distraught, Napoleon Hill began playing with words and throughout the course of the night came up with the classic title, "THINK AND GROW RICH."Have you read Think and Grow Rich? [If not, you need to head to your local ...
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Should I Self-publish Or Pitch My Book To A Publisher?
You've spent many nights working on your book. You've rewritten it, edited it, and you used a professional proofreader to proof it. Your book is done finally -- and you're ready to send your precious manuscript off to a publisher, thinking that writing it was the hardest part.In reality, getting your blood, sweat and tears published may be the hardest part of the whole process. You'll need to decide if your book requires a publisher, or if you'd rather self-publish your...
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Seven Useful Tips To Ghostwrite Books For Clients As A Freelance Writer
Serious freelance writers know their income may come from other sources, not just writing articles for magazines or clients. Ultimately, their freelance writing leads to writing books or e-books for themselves or as ghostwrites. If you decide to ghostwrite e-books and trade paperbacks for clients, consider the following:If a client hires you as a "work-for-hire" ghostwriter, then the client pays you for your work, and he owns all rights. Make sure: 1) You receive a 50% re...
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Publishing Options For New Authors
Most of us have dreams of writing a book one day but the statistics verify that the vast majority never complete the task. There are lots of reasons for this failure but one of the most important is that would-be authors have heard that publishers accept only a tiny percentage of the book proposals they receive. People have heard how difficult it can be and they give up on the task as a result.Technology has changed a lot of things in the publishing industry, not to men...
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Publishing Options For Freelance Book Authors
It is difficult to break into the publishing industry as a new author, and even more difficult to get an acceptance letter from an editor at a large publishing house. As an author you will work hard to finish your book, and work even harder to find the right book publisher. The good news is you can tap into several types of publishers to publish your book. Here is a look at some common types of book publishing.GROUP PUBLISHING: Group publishing is the process by which a ...
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Jump Start Your Writing By Following These Simple Guidelines
Youve just completed a writing course. Perhaps recently graduated from college. Maybe your career has finally ended, and now that youve reached retirement youre free to pursue your long-awaited dream of writing a book. You cant wait to rush to the computer and finally get started on this long-held dream.Slow down or youll find yourself in the clutches of that dread disease, Writers Block.You dont want to join the many hopefuls who sit and stare, the...
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Journaling Your Book To Completion
On any given day, how many people, events, problems, projects, family issues, things to remember and appointments are running through your mind? A LOT, right? If you're writing a book, you have to add on top of that a whole other world of characters, events, settings, plots, (if you're writing fiction) or stories, bullet points, theories and rhetoric (if you're writing non-fiction). How do you keep track of it all? Keeping a journal for your book can be a great tool. In i...
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How To Write A Book Like A Pro To Finish Sooner And Sell Longer
Is your book manuscript as professional and compelling as it could be? Tell the truth; could it use some work to make it crisp and compelling? Yes. Keep reading if you need some tips to make your book writing pull readers in by the collar. Also, you'll discover how to write a book that keeps them reading to the end.Use the tips below to help you write your book like a pro and finish stronger to sell longer:1. Write your book title to capture your reader's attention....
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How To Write A Better Book
Before you begin writing your book, you must research your idea and see if it is in-demand with readers. Who is going to read it? To whom are you trying to appeal with your words? You must have a general idea of who your intended audience will be. Check out other books. Is there a book already published that resembles your book? What will make your book unique from theirs? If there are similar books already out there, what is going to make your book different and make people ...
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How To Write And Publish Your Own Book
There are great rewards when writing a book for the first time. There is a great sense of accomplishment by the individual person once they have a complete manuscript in their hand.The other reward is obviously money; if you write a good book that is marketed correctly you will receive a reward.Depending on how well you market your book will depend on the size of the pay cheque.The first step to writing a good book is
Writing the book.Start on your computer or w...
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How To Self-Publish Your Poker Or Gaming Book
Everyone thinks it is so easy to write a book. With so many people writing books these days, it is amazing there are enough people still buying books. In today's world, if you have any amazing life experience, suddenly publishers want you to write a book about it. If it sells, then your experience was interesting enough to stimulate interest from a large audience; and if not, no one really cared.This is why poker books fly off the shelves. Many people have life experience...
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How To Make Your Writing Meaningful
Writing a book is a huge endeavor. It means someone has decided to dedicate a certain amount of time to putting words on paper. But so many people don't finish what they start. Maybe they've run out of ideas. Maybe they lost interest. Maybe they got hopelessly stuck. However I believe the core of all these issues lies in one thing: the writer doesn't know why he or she is writing in the first place. All you have to do before you venture into the ever-tangled writing fores...
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How To Generate Repeat Sales With Your Self-Published Book
The most valuable thing you can collect if you are selling your book from a website when a visitor comes to your book's sales site is not their money... it's their email address and/or other contact information.If you have no clue how to create a website, do not worry about feeling intimidated. It is actually a lot easier than you think. There is a simple site that teaches people all about creating websites for free at www.LissaExplains.comYou can also learn a lot by ...
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How To Choose A Money-Making Book Subject
People never change. Nor do their basic desires. They've existed for thousands of years and will continue to exist for thousands more.Names of people will change. Technology will change. People's desires won't their desires are hard-wired into our DNA.That's good for you as an author. By knowing what people want, you can profit from their desires. And since their desires are predictable, your ability to make money from your book ideas just got a lot more profitabl...
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Getting Published:Tips For Young Writers
The task of getting published is one of the daunting aspects of writing. This can be difficult, if you want to get published by a traditional publishing house. It's not as difficult if you want to self-publish. In this article I will share with you the steps involved in getting your work published either traditionally or through self-publishing.Mainstream publishers are often reluctant to accept work from young writers as anyone under 18 cannot sign a contract on their ow...
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Eco-friendly Ways To Reuse And Recycle Books And Magazines
As more and more old-growth trees are cut down, and we face the reality of having to wait close to 100 years or more to replace them, the need to recycle paper becomes increasingly important.Paper, of course, includes books and magazines. Although paper products are nearly 100% biodegradable, it is pointless to send these resources to the dump to rot in the landfill when we can recycle and reuse them.More than any other material we hope to recycle, books and magazines...
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Book Publishing From A Book Publisher's Point Of View
Many writers aspire to write books. Writing a book is a long, involved, difficult process. Book publishing is harder. A writer may submit his book repeatedly only to be turned down. The writer may eventually succeed. Wouldn't it have been easier to get published the first time? Is that possible?You can improve your chances of a publisher accepting your book manuscript if you understand more about what happens at the publisher's desk. Book publishers are busy people with s...
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An Author's Guide To Publishing A Book
Ask any published book author about writing a book, and they will tell you it's a monumental task. The process is long, drawn out, and grueling. Even if you enjoy writing and don't mind writing on the same subject for an extended period -- the writing process will, undoubtedly, exhaust you. Getting your book published, however, will take even more time and effort than writing the thing in the first place.Are you thinking about writing a book? Have you already written on...
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An Author's Glimpse Into The Operation Of A Book Publishing Company
The publishing company is the backbone of the writing world. The publishing company provides a great service to society by publishing and displaying the work of authors. The global existence of publishers is obvious, but the inner workings of a publishing company is unknown by many authors. Many book publishers consider the publishing industry as an apprenticeship industry -- most book publishing professionals gain knowledge and skills in this field with hands-on job experien...
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Make Money With Writing Books on Spirituality and Self Help: 10 Great Reasons To Become An Author Today
As a publicist for New York Times Best Selling Authors, like Deepak Chopra, I know the benefits of becoming an author. You've dreamt of becoming an author along with thinking of title ideas. You told your friends and loved ones you wanted to write a book. All you need to do now is make it happen.
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Seven Secrets of Writing a Book That Sells
Ensuring the success of a book is something even the biggest publishers have never been able to guarantee. Mitigating circumstances, flash trends, and world events will all affect buyer preferences. That said, there are still ways to leverage the sales-factor in your favor and here's how you do it.